On Priority Problems of Labor Creditor’s Rights in Bankruptcy Accounting of Corporation
中文关键词:企业破产清算  劳动债权  有财产担保的债权  共益债权  优先权
英文关键词:bankruptcy accounting of corporation  labor creditor’s rights  guarantee claims  common benefit claims  priority
黄 良 军 南京财经大学 法学院 
摘要点击次数: 1265
全文下载次数: 2054
      There are priority conflicts between the labor creditor’s rights and guarantee claims and some common benefit claims. The legislation should be revised according to the reality.We should confirm parts of the labor credit’s rights such as salary claims preference to guarantee claims and some common benefit claims in the procedure of bankruptcy accounting. It is according with public policy of priority principle in public order ,also according with the legal principle of priority of human rights protection. Therefore,we only confirm parts of the labor creditor’s rights preference to guarantee claims and some common benefit claims in the procedure of bankruptcy accounting, such assalary claims and hospitalization costs, disability costs and pension costs which is based on the human rights to live.
黄 良 军.论企业破产清算中劳动债权的优先权问题[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2015(3):81-86.
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