Reserch on the Reasons for Xin Qiji’s Tragic Fate
中文关键词:辛弃疾  生命悲剧  因小失大
英文关键词:Xin Qiji  tragic fate  lose the greater for the less
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(10932006、11172182、11227201、11202141、11202142);铁道部重点项目 (2011J013 A);河北省教育厅项目 (Z2011228)
耿 宝 强 滨州学院 中文系 
摘要点击次数: 1185
全文下载次数: 1609
      Xin Qiji is not only patriotic,but also versatile. According to the actual conditions of the Nan Song Dynasty resisting Jin Dynasty,Xin Qiji suggested many effective strategies about politics and military that involved banishing enemy,regaining of lost territory,and unifying the country. But his strategies were failed to carry out due to the impeachment of some politicians like Wanglin which leaded to Xin Qiji with his lofty aspirations unrealized. Moreover, the profligacy in daily life of Xin Qiji was attacked by some politicians frequently, so “losing the greater for the less” is one more important reason for Xin Qiji’s tragic fate.
耿 宝 强.因小失大:辛弃疾生命悲剧新解读[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2014(3):53-56.
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