A Criticism on The Seventh Day from Pedro Páramo’s Horizon of Expectation
中文关键词:《第七天》  《佩德罗·巴拉莫》  亡灵世界  人物形象  小说人物观
英文关键词:The Seventh Day  Pedro Páramo  the dead world  characters  the concept of characters
费 团 结 陕西理工学院 文学院 
摘要点击次数: 1496
全文下载次数: 2668
      Compared with the Mexican writer Juan Rulfo’s novel Pedro Páramo, the dead world in novel The Seventh Day by Yu Hua is also a symbol of the real world, but it is the reality of society both criticism and ideal, which reveals the cruelty and violence of reality, and display a realistic human nature full of tender feelings. Compared with the pioneer of narrative way in Pedro Páramo, the strong story in The Seventh Day easily let readers produce a banal sense; the reflection on the sharp social problems in novel is also damage the depiction of characters.
费 团 结.《佩德罗·巴拉莫》视野下的《第七天》批评[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2014(3):44-48.
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