Survey and Analysis of Part time Job of Master Degree Candidates
中文关键词:硕士研究生  兼职  调查  分析  就业
英文关键词:master degree candidate  part time job  survey  analysis  employment
黄琳 石家庄铁道大学研究生学院 
张天伟 石家庄铁道大学交通运输学院 
摘要点击次数: 1543
全文下载次数: 2848
      The phenomenon of part time job of master degree candidate is increasingly popular, a questionnaire survey is made of 193 postgraduates who have an experience of part time job in Beijing and Shijiazhuang. The survey data are analyzed in detail from purpose and effect of part time job, reflection of supervisor, source, major and gender of candidates. The analysis results show that the employment and financial pressures of the postgraduate students are heavy, and the comprehensive strength of the university and the social economy development of location city have different influence to the part time job from different angles. So, this paper proposes the aspects which should be emphasized in graduate education, such as creating more opportunities for employment and field study, and solving the problems of higher education imbalance and sex prejudice.
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