The Types and Characteristics of Dialect Neutral Tone
中文关键词:方言  轻声  类型
英文关键词:dialect  neutral tone  type
卢 晓 霞 石家庄铁道大学人文学院 
摘要点击次数: 1545
全文下载次数: 3821
      The neutral tones of various dialects are different from those of Mandarin with varieties of manifestations. According to the different factors that determine the neutral tone syllable pitch, this thesis divides the neutral tone in dialects into four manifestations, which are, neutral tone pitch influenced by the first stressed syllable in the single tone of Chinese characters; neutral tone pitch determined by the present syllable; neutral tone pitch related to both the first stressed syllable in the single tone of Chinese characters and the present syllable; neutral tone pitch not relative with the first stressed syllable in the single tone of Chinese characters as well as the present syllable. This thesis tries to have an overall understanding, a standard grasp and utilization of the neutral tones in Mandarin through analyses of the characteristics of the neutral tones in dialects.
卢 晓 霞.方言轻声的类型和特点[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2012(4):42-45.
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