打造省会个性色彩?? 构建城市品牌形象-- 河北省社科成果一等奖获得者刘瑞杰教授访谈
Capital of Color to Create Personalized Brand Building -- Inter view with First Prize Winner of Social Sciences in Hebei Province, Pro f. Liu Rui??jie
中文关键词:城市色彩  石家庄市  色彩规划  刘瑞杰
英文关键词:city colo r  Shijiazhuang City  colo r planning  Liu Ruijie
杨继成 石家庄铁道铁道大学学报编辑部, 
摘要点击次数: 1380
全文下载次数: 1794
      城市色彩是构建城市形象的重要环节, 个性化色彩可以打造城市名片, 增强综合竞争力。按照中共河北省委 一年一大步、三年大变样!的战略部署, 石家庄市正在推进历史上规模空前的城市形象改造工程, 其中色彩的定位及落实是构建城市形象的重要环节。石家庄铁道大学刘瑞杰教授的?打造省会个性色彩构建城市品牌形象?? ?? ?? 石家庄城市色彩规划研究#的研究报告得到政府部门和社会的充分肯定, 并荣获河北省社会科学优秀成果一等奖。在2010 年12 月9 日上午的颁奖之际, 我们与刘瑞杰教授就 打造省会个性色彩构建城市品牌形象!方面进行访谈, 整理成文, 以飨读者。
      City co lor is an important part o f city image const ruct ion. In accordance w ith the One great step each year, a leap??forw ard in thr ee y ears! st rateg y of the Hebei Pro vincial Committee of CPC, Shijiazhuang City is now proceeding w ith a city image up??grading pr oject in a larg e scale, ofw hich city colo r is an important element. Professor Liu Ruijie% s r esearch in this area has been hig hl ig hted by VIPs f rom government and society, and has been aw arded First Pr ize Aw ard for Social Sciences of Hebei Province. On December 9th, 2010, w hen the prize w as aw arded, w e had an interview w ith Prof . Liu on the color individuality and brand imag e of the city.
杨继成.打造省会个性色彩?? 构建城市品牌形象-- 河北省社科成果一等奖获得者刘瑞杰教授访谈[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2010(4):85-.
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