殊途同归的理想守望--边城 与??尘埃落定 之比较
Ideal Watch of ? All Roads Lead to Rome#?? ?? ?? A Comparison o f Fro nt ier tow n and The dust has set t led
中文关键词:??边城  ??尘埃落定  社会文化和制度  人性
英文关键词:fro nt ier tow n  the dust has set t led  so cial??cultural and institutional  human nature
郭群 漳州师范学院教育科学与技术系 
姚新勇 暨南大学文学院 
摘要点击次数: 1323
全文下载次数: 1377
      沈从文和阿来皆为少数族裔作家, 尽管他们之间存在着无法跨越的时空距离乃至个性风格的鸿沟, 但他们是站在各自的审视立场上, 以不同的审美理想和方式来表达着相似的夙愿, 即通过文学形式来表达重造国民性的渴望, 以及对美好世界的向往。他们的代表作??边城 和??尘埃落定 描写了边缘地域人的生活, 所不同的是他们表达了对边缘地域的社会文化、制度、权力及其人性的相异的理解和洞察。
      Shen Cong??w en and A lai are both minor ity wr iters. Althoug h they could not span betw een spat io- temporal distance and g ap of the personality sty le, they w ere standing on their ow n positio n of examination, ex pressing a similar lo ng??cherished w ish in a different w ay of aesthet ic ideals,namely to express the desire to rebuild natio nal character s as well as the desire for a bet ter w orld thro ug h the literary form. Their Front ier tow n and T he dust has sett led both depict the lives o f peo ple in marginal areas, though they ex press dif ferent under standing and insight of socio??cultural, institu??t ional, pow ers and humanity of marg inal ar eas.????
郭群,姚新勇.殊途同归的理想守望--边城 与??尘埃落定 之比较[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2010(4):66-.
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