Long??term Effective Mechanism for Ideological Construction of Leading Group of Working Committee for Care of Next Generation
中文关键词:关工委  思想建设  长效机制
英文关键词:commit tee for the care of the nex t g eneration  ideolog ical const ruction  long??term effect ive mechanism??
张宝池 石家庄铁道大学关工委 
李庚全 石家庄铁道大学关工委 
摘要点击次数: 1213
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      高校关工委领导班子思想建设一直是个薄弱环节, 其关键在于缺少具体有效的长效机制, 针对这种现状, 本文提出了?? 三坚持 机制, 即坚持学习内容常态化、坚持学习时间固定化、坚持政治学习学术化?? 简言之, 三坚持?? 机制就是坚持月! ! ! 理论学习一次、季! ! ! 思想讨论一次、年! ! ! 学术研究一次 , 并明确提出了具体做法和?? 坚持 的七项原则, 进而从根本上加强了班子思想建设。
      The ideolo gical const ruction o f the leading gro up o f the w or king commit tee for the care of the nex t generat ion has lo ng been w eak for lack of a concrete and effect iv e lo ng??term mechanism. In view of this reality, this paper proposes the ?? 3??adherence mechanism ! ! ! adherence to normalized study co ntent s, adherence to reg ular ized study t ime, and adherence to polit ical study in an academic w ay . In sho rt , 3??adherence mechanism involv es a theoret ic study every mo nth, an ideolog ical discussion every seaso n, and an academic research every year. T he co ncrete metho ds and sev en principles fo r implement ing this mechanism are put forw ard, w hich is intended to st reng then the ideolog ical const ruct ion of the leading g roup of the commit tee.????
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