The Party's Cadre Education Practice in Xibaipo Period and Its Realistic Enlightenment
中文关键词:西柏坡时期  中国共产党  干部教育
英文关键词:Xibaipo per io d  T he Communist Par ty of China  cadre educat ion
王文晓 河北师范大学职业技术学院 
梁玉玮 河北省儿童医院 
摘要点击次数: 1191
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      西柏坡时期, 中国共产党的干部教育工作经过长期深入的探索实践, 制定并采取了一系列行之有效的方针和措施, 使得这一时期党的各级领导干部无论是数量还是质量方面都实现了空前的飞跃。党在干部教育方面卓有成效的工作, 既满足了当时解放战争和解放区建设的需求, 又为新中国的成立提供了人才保障, 同时对于当前学习落实科学发展观、加强党的执政能力建设和马克思主义学习型政党建设具有重要的启示作用。
      In Xibaipo Per io d, af ter a long??term explorat ion, the Communist Party o f China adopted a w hole array of measures, which g ained the unpr ecedented improv ement bo th in the quantity and the quality of leading cadres. T he f ruitful achievement s made by the Party over those decades met the urg ent needs of the liberated area's constr uction and the War of Liberation. What 's more, the unremitt ing ef fo rt s in promot ing the educat ional under taking s for cadr es prov ided a larg e number o f talented successo rs for the const ruct ion of China. T he v aluable experiences are important revelat io n to the curr ent study and implementat ion of the scient if ic concept of dev elo pment , the enhancement of our Party ruling ability and the study of Mar xism.????
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