Analysis of Existing Problems and Optimization of Domestic Tourism Consumption Structure of Anhui Province
中文关键词:国内旅游  非基本旅游消费  优化
英文关键词:domest ic tourism  non??essent ial tourism consumption  opt imizat ion
庞田田 安徽财经大学工商管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1119
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      旅游消费结构是衡量一个国家或地区旅游业发展是否成熟的重要标志之一, 因此对安徽省国内旅游消费结构问题进行探析, 目的在于探讨安徽省旅游业的发展状况。通过采用文献资料法, 并运用Excel 软件对近几年安徽省旅游业的统计数字进行分析, 最后得出结论: 安徽省旅游消费结构存在着非基本旅游消费比重过大、购物娱乐消费少和旅游产品结构不合理等方面的问题。通过对安徽省旅游消费结构在环境层面、政府层面、旅游企业层面、旅游产品层面和区域发展层面的深度分析, 提出了优化安徽省旅游消费结构的一些策略。
      Tourism consumptio n st ructure is an important sign of maturity in the measurement of to ur ism development o f a co unt ry or reg io n. The purpose o f invest igat ing domest ic to ur ism consump??t ion st ructur e of the Anhui Pro vince is to explore the development of to urism in Anhui Pr ovince.Based o n literatur e study and w ith the help of EXCEL sof tw ar e, w e dr aw the conclusion f rom analysis of Anhui prov ince to urism stat ist ics in recent y ears that there ar e some problems in the str ucture of Anhui T our ism consumpt ion, such as imbalance of proport ions in the non??essent ial travel consumpt ion, depressed shopping and entertainment, irr at ional st ructur e of tourism products. From the perspectives of environment , go vernment , to urism enter prise, tourism and r eg io nal development , this paper pr opo ses some st rateg ies for the improvement of tourism consumpt ion st ructure in A nhui Province.
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