FE Analysis of Negative Moment Region of Double Composite Continuous Box Girder
中文关键词:钢 混凝土双面组合箱梁  负弯矩区  有限元分析  承载能力  滑移
英文关键词:double steel concrete composite beam  negative moment zone  FE analysis  bearing capacity  interface slip
段树金 石家庄铁道大学土木工程学院 
董坤杰 石家庄铁道大学土木工程学院 
李鹏飞 石家庄铁道大学土木工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 1903
全文下载次数: 2385
      钢 混凝土双面组合箱梁是由两个H型钢作钢骨架,并与上下两块混凝土板组合形成的箱形截面,可用于连续梁的负弯矩区。推导得到了负弯矩区截面弹性刚度和塑性极限弯矩的计算公式。建立集中力作用下双面组合连续箱梁负弯矩区的Ansys分析模型,得到了组合梁的荷载挠度曲线、截面应力和应变变化曲线以及钢与混凝土交界面的纵向滑移分布。与双主梁组合梁和普通组合箱梁的受力性能做比较,显示了双面组合箱梁承载能力和变形能力的优越性。
      The proposed double steel concrete composite girder is composited by two H type of steel profiles and two concrete slabs connected with studs, which can be used into the negative bending moment zone of continuous beam bridges. The formulae are yielded for computing the elastic stiffness and the plastic ultimate bending moment. A numerical model is built for the negative moment zone of a continuous beam under symmetrical concentrated force by the software Ansys. The load deflection curve, stress and strain distribution along the cross section height, and the distribution of interface slip between steel profile and concrete slab are obtained. There is higher bearing capacity and better ductility for the present structure than the common composite beams, both of the П type and the U type.
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