Situation Analysis and Countermeasures of Culture Creative Talents' Training
中文关键词:文化创意产业  人才培养  高校  人才培养基地
英文关键词:cultural creative industry, talent training, colleges and universities, talent training base
张琳琳 河北传媒学院 艺术设计学院 
高原 河北传媒学院 艺术设计学院 
张勇正 河北传媒学院 艺术设计学院 
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      In recent years, with the development of the cultural and creative industries, cultural and creative talents' training shows a good development momentum in Shijiazhuang. Many local universities and colleges have set up majors or subjects in relation to cultural and creative industries, hence emerging many cultural and creative talents' training bases. However, compared with other similar cities in the country, the cultural and creative talents cultivation in Shijiazhuang still has several problems such as improperness of the general structure, the ambiguity of supporting discipline system, the lack of competent teachers and facilities, relatively poor foundation of students majoring in cultural and creative, and the flowing away of talents. Countermeasures need to be taken to solve the problems so as to cultivate more qualified talents and give new energy to the Shijiazhuang's cultural and creative industries.
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