Effects and Countermeasures of the University Financial Work on the Shift from Business Tax to VAT
中文关键词:营改增  高校  财务工作
英文关键词:shift from business tax to VAT  universities and colleges  financial work
韩 东 海 石家庄铁道大学 
摘要点击次数: 1773
全文下载次数: 2045
      China has gradually implemented the reform program to replace the business tax with the value added tax (VAT), which will have a great influence on the financial work of colleges and universities. The reform policy will have an impact on the college accounting basis, original satisfied business tax part of the business tax, the tax burden, tax payment risk, scientific research, loan and other aspects. In order to carry out the national tax reform, standardize the financial behavior, and ensure the healthy and stable development, colleges and universities should improve the quality of financial personnel, reinforce the management system and the accounting system of colleges and universities, strengthen tax planning, and pay attention to the change of tax reporting process
韩 东 海.“营改增”对高校财务工作的影响及对策[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2016(1):46-49.
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