Analysis on the Historical and Humanistic Background of “Liu Erjie”Phenomenon in Mount Taihang Documents
中文关键词:太行山文书  刘二姐现象  原始生殖崇拜  封建宗法制  宗法礼教文化
英文关键词:Mount Taihang document  “Liu Erjie” phenomenon  primordial germ worship  feudal patriarchal system  confucian culture
李 延 军 邯郸学院 地方文化研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1722
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      There are a large collection of librettos named “Liu Erjie Prays for Pregnancy” in Mount Taihang Documents, which appeared in different versions and artistic forms from Ming Dynasty to present spanning about 500 years with historical value. Such phenomenon exists in extensive areas of the east of Mount Taihang with wide abundant base and influencing wide region. Based on that, we put forward the concept of “Lie Erjie Phenomenon” for the first time in academia. Through the deep analysis on the primordial germ worship the feudal patriarchal system, and patriarchal confucian culture, the deep historical and social background, and the reason why such phenomenon generated and prevailed are explained to establish the “Liu Erjie” phenomenon of the historical and cultural research value.
李 延 军.太行山文书中“刘二姐现象”历史人文背景解析[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2015(2):59-65.
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