On the Basic Experience in the Construction of Science and Technology Law System of the Communist Party of China
中文关键词:中国共产党  科技法制建设  基本经验  现代化
英文关键词:the communist party of China  construction of science and technology law system  basic experience  modernization
侯强 江苏理工学院 
摘要点击次数: 1480
全文下载次数: 1456
      n the process of leading the construction of the science and technology and law system, the communist party of China can comply with the world development trend of science and technology, follow the development law of science and technology, pay attention to the construction of law system of science and technology, and explore and answer the basic question like “to develop what kind of legal system and how to develop legal system”. In terms of the construction of science and technology law system and the development history of the science and technology under the leading of the communist party of China, there have been setbacks, but it presents a positive correlation between each other on the whole, and rich experience is accumulated during the process of promoting the modernization of science and technology legal system gradually.
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