Construction of Environmental Cost Accounting System for Enterprise Under the Background of Ecological Civilization
中文关键词:生态文明  环境成本  核算体系  企业  环境管理体系
英文关键词:ecological civilization  environmental costs  accounting system  enterprise  environmental management system
吴 永 立 河北师范大学 商学院 
摘要点击次数: 1644
全文下载次数: 2141
      Nowadays, Chinese businesses haven't recognized the value of environmental resources yet, and environmental cost information accounting system has not been established in actual operation. To establish and maintain long term competitive advantage, maintain the coordination and unity of the economic, social and ecological benefits, it is urgent to construct an environmental cost accounting system that is suitable for Chinese national situation. Firstly, due to the running direction of the whole environment cost accounting system determined by the environmental cost accounting objective, the two facets: basic and detailed objectives are analyzed in this paper. Secondly, it is needed for the construction of environmental cost accounting system to take some factors into account comprehensively such as the law, economic, culture, current cost accounting scheme, principle of cost benefits, valuable experience from abroad, etc. Finally, the content, object, links and methods of environmental cost accounting should be involved in the construction of environmental cost accounting system framework.
吴 永 立.生态文明背景下企业环境成本核算体系的构建[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2014(4):16-22.
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