On Einstein’s View of Science and It’s Implication
中文关键词:爱因斯坦  科学观  启示  实在概念
英文关键词:Einstein  view of science  implication  concept of reality
周 德 海 合肥行政学院 科研处 
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      Einstein believes that science is some kind of organized thoughts which aim to explore the regularly relationships among feeling experiences of human beings. Scientific evolution or revolution is presented as a fundamental change in the concept of reality of science concretely. Cosmic religious emotion is the strongest and noblest motive for scientists to pursue scientific research. The outer and inner freedom of scientists is the prerequisite for scientific development. Science plays a great and irreplaceable promoting role in material life of mankind and social development. It is shown that research results relating to Einstein’s view of science are benefit for deepening the understanding on science, optimizing elements of science, improving conditions for science and promoting scientific development so as to accelerate economic, social and cultural construction of China.
周 德 海.爱因斯坦的科学观及其启示[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2014(3):80-84.
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