Analysis on the Development Path of County Economy in Shijiazhuang
中文关键词:县域经济  石家庄市  “四化”同步  特色主导产业
英文关键词:county economy  Shijiazhuang  four modernizations  leading industry with character
赵冰琴 中共石家庄市委党校 
刘丽敏 中共石家庄市委党校 
吴丽霞 中共石家庄市委党校 
摘要点击次数: 1237
全文下载次数: 1478
      Based on the deep analysis on Shijiazhuang county economy development situation and existing problems, the main sticking points restricting the development of Shijiazhuang’s county economy are explored as follows: The “Four Modernizations” synchronous development path has been unclear yet; urbanization construction is lack of the support of leading enterprises and industries; Industrialization level is relatively low; Development of agricultural modernization is slow, etc. The paper puts forward a specific path that is to carry out the “Four Modernizations” to promote county economic take off simultaneously: The prerequisite is to pay attention to the top level design; The leading of urbanization construction is to promote the “Big County” construction comprehensively; The main body is to promote the integration of the “two modernizations” to drive the industry development toward clustering; The foundation is to promote the agricultural modernization process with industrialization concept.
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