The Inspiration of Green Building Principle to Sustainable Development of Chinese Urban Sculpture
中文关键词:绿色建筑  城市雕塑  可持续发展
英文关键词:green building  urban sculpture  sustainable development
王鹤 天津大学 建筑学院 
朱国新 石家庄铁道大学 建筑与艺术学院 
摘要点击次数: 1262
全文下载次数: 1467
      In recent years, the disputes on construction direction, form choice and position change of the urban sculptures are reported by the mass media frequently. Many institutes have been exploring a feasible strategy for sustainable development of urban sculptures. In the current context, only taking the national condition into account, by drawing on the principles of green buildings “people oriented, low carbon and energy saving, land saving, water saving, materials saving” , and combining the practical process of demonstration, planning, design and the construction of urban sculptures to enhance scientificalness and systematicness, the fund, manpower, energy as well as the land consumed in construction and the management process of urban sculptures could be effectively saved greatly, which would make an important contribution to sustainable development of urban sculptures and improvement of city cultural image.
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