“Boundaries Redrawing” and “Thick Description”——Keywords in New Historicism Criticism
中文关键词:新历史主义  重划疆界  厚描  历史  文本
英文关键词:new historicism  boundaries redrawing  thick description  history  text
郑 思 明 天津外国语大学 英语学院 
摘要点击次数: 1270
全文下载次数: 1916
      Stephen Greenblatt has pointed out that the boundaries established in literature and literary studies are never fixed, and mapping and remapping characterizes the field of literary criticism. As a product in the multi cultural background, New Historicism came into being with remapping the fields of history and literature. It has breached the fixed boundaries between history and literature, between literary texts and non literary texts. In its critical practices, New Historicism absorbs the method of “thick description” from anthropology and pays much attention to the interactions between various texts which is the necessary measure in accordance with its new opinions on history and literature.
郑 思 明.“重划疆界”与“厚描”——新历史主义文学批评关键词[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2013(4):39-43.
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