On the Value and Application Measures of the Spirit of Kindheartedness in the Construction for the Harmonious Society
中文关键词:仁爱  社会主义核心价值体系  和谐社会  “全民仁爱”行动计划
英文关键词:kindheartedness  the system of the core value of socialist society  the harmonious society  all the people involved in Kindheartedness project
李 伟 哲 石家庄铁道大学思想政治理论教学与研究部 
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      The establishment of universal spiritual belief for the people of the whole society is the inner support and target elements to construct the socialist harmonious society. For the Chinese people, the belief has all kinds of connections with love. Research shows that the necessary measure to construct the socialist harmonious society for our country is to well understand and activate the rich cultural deposits of kindheartedness which should be guided by the system of the core value of socialist society. Moreover, the paper proposes an “all the people involved in Kindheartedness” project and some measures to follow.
李 伟 哲.“仁爱”精神对社会主义和谐社会构建的价值[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2013(2):65-68.
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