Financial Risk and Protection in Cross border Merger and Acquisition
中文关键词:跨国并购  财务风险  风险分析
英文关键词:cross border merger and acquisition  financial risk  risk analysis
王 小 梅 河北省水利水电第二勘测设计研究院 
摘要点击次数: 1431
全文下载次数: 9013
      Financial risk always exists in the whole process of enterprise’s transnational merger and acquisition. The failure cases which are caused by financial risk have been increased. Firstly, taking the characteristics of enterprises in China into account, the paper discusses the contents and the features of financial risk in the process of transnational merger. Next, the risk of value estimating of target enterprise in the earlier stage of transnational enterprise merger and the risk of financing payment in the middle stage of merger and the risk of financial integration in the later stage of merger are made qualitative analysis. Finally, according to the principles of financial risk prevention, the paper puts forward some measures that adapt to our enterprise characteristics to prevent the financial risk in different stages of transnational enterprise merger and acquisition.
王 小 梅.跨国并购中的财务风险及其防范[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2013(1):16-20.
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