Creating Subjects of Worker farmer soldier Literature in the View of Literature Sociology
中文关键词:工农兵文学  创作主体  思想认同  阶级写作  思想动因  社会效果
英文关键词:worker farmer soldier literature  creating subjects  share same ideas  writing as a class  ideology motivation  social effect
刘江 柳州铁道职业技术学院科研处 
摘要点击次数: 5577
全文下载次数: 2976
      The creating subjects of the workers, farmers and soldiers literature are not ordinary literary authors, but professional literature workers and amateur worker farmer soldier authors with the same ideology. They are not writing as individuals, but as the worker farmer soldier class. They produce their work not from an emotional motivation, but an ideological motivation. At the same time, they must attach great importance to the the social effects of their works. They are not actually initiative creation, but passive creation, which is determined by the political literature view of the advocates. This creative concept is the main cause of the convergence of literature, but it played a positive role in the revolutionary and thus is historically rational. At the same time, after the founding of new China, the worker farmer soldier literature creation sbujects are also working to change passive position of the creation, creating a number of works with cultural implication. Thus it is unfair and unscientific to negate them completely.
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