Human Cognitive Development in the Pale Horse
中文关键词:白马  巫术  认知  科学
英文关键词:pale horse  black magic  cognition  science
刘 文 洋 辽宁师范大学外国语学院 
摘要点击次数: 1345
全文下载次数: 2519
      Detective story is often classified as recreational popular literature, and is often ignored by the critics due to its intrinsic lack of sociality. Agatha Christie is known as the Queen of Crime. The main trait of this British writer is that she can integrate the realistic problems into the plots skillfully. The Pale Horse inherits the mode of traditional detective stories, but the creative conception distinguishes it from her other works. This novel also plays a role of the popularization of science, in which human cognitive development runs through the whole plot and the truth in confusion confirms human transformation from supernatural thoughts to dialectical thinking.
刘 文 洋.《白马酒店》中人类认知的发展[J].石家庄铁道大学学报:社会科学版,2012(4):51-54.
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