Analysis of Deng Xiaoping’s Thoughts on Socialist Core Value Education
中文关键词:邓小平  社会主义核心价值观教育  方法
英文关键词:Deng Xiaoping  the socialist core value education  methods
胡 济 林 福建卫生职业技术学院公共基础部 
摘要点击次数: 1581
全文下载次数: 1836
      Deng Xiaoping tries to undersand the socialist core value education from the important strategic position where it may have an impact on the development of the socialism with Chinese characteristics . He emphasizes that the main content of the education should include the political core values, the economic core values, the cultural core values and the social core values. The basic principles of the socialist core value education are the refining principle, the effective principle and the practical principle , while its main methods consist of teaching students by reasoning, teaching students by precept and example , teaching students in accordance with their aptitude ,and teaching students in a multi pronged way.
胡 济 林.邓小平社会主义核心价值观教育思想探析[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2012(3):24-28,47.
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