Analysis of Imbalance of Income Distribution in China
中文关键词:收入分配  收入差距  分配制度  改革
英文关键词:income distribution  income gap  distribution system  reform
路 建 华 河北省交通职业技术学校 
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      近年来,我国经济持续快速发展的同时, 收入不平衡问题日益突出,成为政府和社会关注的一个焦点。中国必须通过收入分配制度的改革,解决包括贫富差异和城乡差异在内的巨大的收入分配不平衡问题。这直接关系到全民共享改革发展成果和社会公平正义,对于维护社会稳定、落实科学发展、实现可持续发展和建设和谐社会都具有重要战略意义。从劳动者收入占GDP的比重、城乡居民收入差距、行业之间的收入差距、地区之间的收入差距等四个方面对我国社会收入分配失衡问题进行探讨。
      While China has kept a steady and fast economic development in recent years, the imbalance in income distribution among its citizens in different areas and different trades has become a serious social problem, arousing grave concerns from both the government and the society. In order to maintain the social stability, implement the concept of scientific development, realize a long lasting economic development and construct a harmonious society, China must solve the problem of income imbalance. The problem of income distribution imbalance is explored in this paper from four respects including the imbalances between the citizen income and GDP increase, between rural and urban citizens, between different trades and different areas of the country, discussing the status quo and the causes of the problem and giving advice for mitigation of it.
路 建 华.我国收入分配不平衡问题探析[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),20115(2):56-.
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