Comparison of Private Criminal Probe and Investigation
中文关键词:私人刑事调查  侦查  比较  同质性  异质性
英文关键词:private criminal pro be  criminal invest igat io n  comparison  homogeneo us  differ ence
基金项目:衡阳市社会科学基金项目( 2010D004)
欧阳爱辉 湘潭大学法学院 湖南工学院工商管理系 
摘要点击次数: 1151
全文下载次数: 1575
      私人刑事调查作为自我保护与私力救济的重要手段, 它同侦查存在着紧密联系。经过分析比较发现, 一方面私人刑事调查与侦查有着明显同质性, 这多涵盖最终目的、历史起源和启用手段种类三部分。另一方面它们二者又存在明显异质性, 这主要包括基本性质、实施主体、启用手段比重、直接目的、运作范围、具体程序及受众心理七方面。
      s an important method of self??protect ion and private help, private criminal pro be relates very closely to cr iminal invest igat ion. By comparing and analy zing , on one hand, w e can find pr iv ate criminal probe is the same as inv est ig ation in three aspect s, including the final aim, the history origin and applying methods. On the o ther hand, they hav e differences mainly in seven aspect s, including the basic att ributes, the applied subject s, the proport ion of applied metho ds, the direct aim, the applied sco pe, the concrete pr ocedure and the psy cholog y of audiences.??
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