Selective Innova tion of L iterary Study and Innova tive Selection of Journa l Ed itor ——— In terv iew with ProfessorWANG Qi2zhou of HuaZhong Norma l Un iversity
中文关键词:文学研究  前沿问题  编辑策划  王齐洲教授
英文关键词:literary study  frontier issues  editorial p lanning  p rofessorWang Qi2zhou
杨继成 石家庄铁道学院学报编辑部 
郭子源 湖南师范大学新闻与传播学院 
摘要点击次数: 1316
全文下载次数: 1935
      2009年8月23日,中国人文社会科学学报学会主办了2009全国高校期刊编辑 业务培训暨学术发展前沿报告会,邀请王齐洲教授做《文学研究的前沿问题和编辑选稿策划》 报告,反响强烈。王教授指出,学术研究的本质是创新,而就研究者个人而言,其学术创新只可 能选择在某个领域甚至这个领域的某个方向进行,所以其创新也就不可能是全面性创新,只能 是“选择性创新”。期刊编辑的职责则是选择,即选择那些富有创新价值的成果在期刊发表, 以推动学术研究的深入,而这些选择也不是没有限制的,它体现出编辑的独到眼光和刊物的学 术定位,因
      The meeting on p roficiency training and academic development frontier for the editors of Uni2 versity Journals sponsored by the Society of the Chinese Humanities and Social Science Journals was held on August 23, 2009. ProfessorWangQi2zhou was invited to give a lecture at the meeting entitled the frontiers of literature studies and editor’s choices of contributions, which acquired strong repercussions. ProfessorWang pointed out that the essence of academic research is innovation. A researcher can only choose certain areas and even a certain direction of the field for his academic innovation, and thus innovation cannot be a comp rehen2 sive innovation, but a selective innovation. An editor’s responsibility is to select and publish those achieve2 ments that are innovative in order to p romote the academic studies. The selections are notwithout limitations. It reflects the unique view and the academic orientation of the journal. Therefore, editors are making innova2 tive selections. Selective innovation and innovative selection comp lement each other to constitute the solid foundation of the academic community and p romote the academic development and p rosperity. After the meet2 ing, the author interviewed ProfessorWang on the issues of the frontier of literature studies, the selective inno2 vation and the innovative selection, etc.
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