Enhanc ing the Level of Human Resources of Colleges and Un iversities under the Guidance of Sc ientif ic Development Concept
中文关键词:科学发展  人力资源规划  团队建设  制度建设
英文关键词:scientific development  human resources p lanning  team2building  institutional imp rovement
李铁林 石家庄铁道学院人事处 
温 杰 石家庄铁道学院人事处 
摘要点击次数: 1320
全文下载次数: 1867
      高校人事部门要落实好科学发展观,必须针对学校既定目标制定相应的人力资源 发展规划,为学校发展目标的实现提供人才保障。目前许多高校人事部门仍采用传统的人事 管理模式,这严重制约了学校的发展。因此,高校人事工作亟需转变管理理念,要打造学术团 队,培育领军人才;要加强管理队伍建设,实现管理工作的信息化、专业化和法制化。同时,应 着力制度建设,保障人力资源规划目标得以实现。
      In order to imp lement the scientific development concep t, the personnel department in colleges and universitiesmustmake scientific p lans for human resource development to meet the need for the develop2 ment of colleges and universities. At p resent, the personnel departments ofmany colleges and universities are still using the traditional model of personnel management, which has seriously hampered the development of the colleges and universities. Therefore, the university personnel management need to change concep t, high2 light the cultivation of research teams and academic p ioneers, strengthen the construction ofmanagement staff with emphasis on app lication of informatics, p rofessional knowledge and legal rules in managementwork, and strengthen the construction of institutional rules to ensure the realization of the goals of human resource devel2 opment.
李铁林,温 杰.科学发展观与高校人力资源水平的提升[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2010(1):40-.
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