Ana lysis on the Game of Co2opetition of Ports in Reg ion ——— Tak ing Tian jin Port and Caofe id ian Port a s Example
中文关键词:港口竞合博弈  SWOT分析  协同发展
英文关键词:co-opetition game of ports  SWOT analysis  integrated development
基金项目:河北省社会科学发展研究课题(项目编号: 200903045) 。
李美桂 河北经贸大学经济研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1138
全文下载次数: 2418
      随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程的不断深化,港口之间的竞争日趋激烈。 以天津港和曹妃甸港为例,在采用SWOT态势法分析两港基本现状的基础上,运用博弈论理 论与方法分析环渤海区域内港口竞合与整体绩效问题,提出天津港与曹妃甸港协同发展的实 施路径,即破除垄断,完善市场机制,建立激励、约束和监督机制。
      W ith the economic globalization and the deepening of integration p rocess of regional economy, the competition between ports is becomingmore intense. In this paper, the author takes Tianjin Port and Ca2 ofeidian Port as an examp le, uses the app roach of SWOT to analyse their status quo, then uses game theory to analyse the issue of the co2opetition relationship between ports in the region, and exp lores the path to achieve coordinated development between Tianjin Port and Caofeidian port, which includes getting rid ofmonopoly and imp roving the marketmechanism, and establishing an incentive mechanism, an restrain mechanism, and a su2 pervision mechanism.
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