A Br ief Research on the Ca tegory of“Sp ir it Harmony”
中文关键词:精神和谐  个体精神和谐  群体精神和谐  社会精神和谐
英文关键词:sp irit harmony  individual sp irit harmony  group sp irit harmony  social sp irit harmony
郝军燕 江苏盐城卫生职业技术学院基础部 
訾 红 河北广播电视大学学生处 
摘要点击次数: 1278
全文下载次数: 1728
      在社会和谐的语境中,精神和谐应有其确定语义,分析和界定精神和谐的概念范 畴是必要的。以系统论的方法看,精神和谐包含着个体精神和谐、群体精神和谐、社会精神和 谐三个层面。以个体精神和谐为基础、群体精神和谐为支撑、社会精神和谐为核心的三个层面 的有机融和与统一,构成整体社会系统的精神和谐。
      Under the background of social harmony, the sp irit harmony should have its special meaning. It is necessary to analyze and define the concep t. According to the system theory that, sp irit harmonywill in2 clude the individual sp irit harmony, group sp irit harmony and social sp irit harmony. Social sp iritual harmony is a unification which takes individual sp irit harmony as the foundation, takes group sp irit harmony as the sup2 port, and takes social sp irit harmony as the centre.
郝军燕,訾 红.“精神和谐”范畴初探[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(社会科学版),2010(1):15-18.
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