Research on Influence of Mechanical Steel concrete Bridges Based on Temperature Change on Large Asphalt Concrete Pavement Layer Thickness
中文关键词:沥青混凝土铺装层  钢混结合桥  季节温度  弹性模量  力学性能
英文关键词:asphalt concrete pavement  steel concrete bridge  seasonal temperature  elastic modulus  mechanical properties
赵健 太平洋国立大学 土木工程系 
Belytsky I.YU. 太平洋国立大学 土木工程系 
李姝征 太平洋国立大学 经济管理系 
Lapin A.V. 太平洋国立大学 土木工程系 
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      以俄罗斯南萨哈林岛路易斯桥为研究对象,对处于温差大地区服役多年的小跨径钢混结合桥进行了荷载试验和有限元模拟,结果表明在沥青混凝土铺装层厚度较大时,沥青混凝土铺装层的温度由季节温度的变化而改变,从而影响主梁的力学性能。研究发现-5 ℃时试验荷载作用的实测数据与有限元模拟值误差很小;在相同荷载作用下,沥青混凝土铺装层温度由-24 ℃升高到+23 ℃时,主梁竖向位移增大了48.6%,上翼缘压应力增大了275%,下翼缘拉应力增大了25.4%。根据试验可以判断,在夏季温度最高时,桥梁承载能力最低,其研究方法和结果具有一定的参考价值。
      Loading tests were conducted based on Bridge of Luis on the Sakhalin Island of Russia, in order to investigate the structural behavior of an old small steel concrete bridge with large asphalt concrete pavement layer thickness, which had been in service for many years in cold region of Sakhalin, Russia. Only a little difference was found between FEA and measurement values at -5 ℃. When the asphalt concrete pavement temperature changed from -24 ℃ to +23 ℃, the main beam vertical displacement increased 48.6%, stress on the flange increased 275% and lower flange tensile stress increased 25.4%. The result of this paper has certain theoretical meaning and application value in engineering practice.
赵健,Belytsky I.YU.,李姝征,Lapin A.V..温度变化对大厚度沥青混凝土铺装层钢混结合桥力学性能的影响研究[J].石家庄铁道大学学报(自然科学版),2015,(3):7-12.
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