Relationship Between the Pore Structure and Frost resistance of Concrete with Different Types of Aggregate
中文关键词:普通混凝土  集料  孔结构  抗冻性
英文关键词:ordinary concrete  aggregate  pore structure  frost resistance
孔丽娟 石家庄铁道大学 材料科学与工程学院 
许旭栋 湖州市建设工程质量监督站检测中心 
杜渊博 石家庄铁道大学 材料科学与工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 1858
全文下载次数: 2461
      The frost resistance and pore structure of concrete prepared with different water cement ratios containing different types of coarse aggregates were tested, and the relationship between them was studied. The results show that, the aggregate with a higher water absorption is beneficial to reduce the porosity of the cement paste around it, whereas the most probable pore size and the volume content of the macropore content can be reduced by the high activity of the aggregates. Under the condition of this study, all the three pore parameters in the paste around basalt aggregate are lower, so the frost resistance of concrete is the best. Although the most probable pore size and macropore content of the cement paste around granite aggregate are the lowest, the porosity is the highest, so the concrete frost resistance is worse, especially for concrete with a higher water cement ratio. However, under the low water cement ratio condition, the adverse effect of the paste with a larger most probable pore size and higher macropore content on the frost resistance of concrete is more significant. After 200 freeze thaw cycles, the increase rate of the porosity of the paste around limestone is about 4 times of that around granite and basalt due to its higher macropore content, thus leading to the worst concrete frost resistance.
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